How to Overcome 10 Most Common Sales Objections

In sales, objections are the most common and the most important. If you don’t prepare for them ahead of time, they can cost you big time. In this article, we’ll cover the most common objections, what you should be prepared to answer, and how to handle each one in the best way possible.

Salespeople have a tough job. Salespeople need to be persuasive, but also need to keep track of a lot of data to make decisions. They need to know how to answer objections, and they need to know what objections to answer. If they don’t know what to say, they’ll say nothing. If they don’t know what to say, they’ll say nothing. If you aren’t sure how to overcome sales objections, this post can help you develop strategies to overcome these common objections and help close more sales.

From your prospect experience to your sales process, there is no denying that sales require a series of steps to be “right” … “just right”. The first step in the right direction, however, begins the moment you meet your prospect. Before the first minute of your conversation has passed, you want your prospect to believe that your product or service is the best fit for them and their business.

Objections occur in all forms and sizes, and can pop up at any point throughout the sales process.

You’ve most likely heard something like:

  • I appreciate your idea, but I don’t believe it will work for us.
  • I’ve spoken with a couple different companies, and your costs are at least 20% more.
  • In principle, that sounds great, but I’m going to have a fairly full plate for the foreseeable future.
  • We already have someone who takes care of all of our requirements in that area.
  • I simply don’t believe a project like this is feasible given our present financial situation.

Overcoming objections is a crucial part of closing any transaction. The way you handle objections may be the difference between earning a new client and losing a sale.

What is the definition of an objection?

The first word that comes to mind while considering an objection is NO. A sales objection is a buyer’s statement that there is a gap between what you’re providing and the need they want to be met.

Simply said, a sales objection is a signal that a customer isn’t ready to purchase from you for a certain reason. Don’t be disheartened if a buyer isn’t ready to buy right away.

Nobody said the road to being a great salesman is paved with phrases like “Yes! I accept your offer,” “I look forward to conducting more business with you,” and other phrases that signal a successful sale.

Some buyers are difficult to persuade. The path to a successful sale is a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, as well as objections.

Sales Objections: The 10 Most Common Types

Regardless of the product or service you offer, objections tend to fall into four categories:

1. A lack of demand

Buyers are either unaware of the need to address an issue or are unaware that one exists. In this instance, the customer doesn’t connect with what you’re selling or doesn’t perceive the value in what you’re offering.

How do you find out what your client wants?

  • Nobody likes to spend time talking about the process, so sell the outcome instead. People are more concerned with the outcome. When you make adding value your primary emphasis, you present yourself as a greater value to a prospect.
  • Know your client’s industry inside out: learn or instead study your potential client. Take a closer look at the prospect’s business, company, and even competitors. This knowledge will give you ideas and insights on what exactly your prospects are looking for and the areas you can add value to.
  • Don’t rush: after you’ve learned anything about your customer, take your time to go even deeper. Make it a point to figure out what’s causing the problem.
  • Investigate a variety of options: ask yourself numerous questions and broaden your inquiry. This will reveal many causes for your customers’ demands as well as multiple options for meeting those wants.

2. Lack of a sense of urgency

Your solution’s entire effect and value aren’t visible to buyers. When time is of the essence, other responsibilities usually take precedence over your project.

You haven’t shown how beneficial your offer is when prospects show a lack of urgency.

You may assist your prospect recognize your worth by doing the following:

  • concentrating on their problems: Identifying your customer’s discomfort and pushing your thumb on the nerve that hurts is all part of pain-based marketing, and then convincing them that your product would help them relieve the pain.
  • Focus on the long-term advantages and rewards: After identifying the pain areas, speak about the long-term benefits and rewards that a prospect is expected to get.
  • Talk numbers: This is especially essential for B2B businesses looking to boost their ROI. Calculate ROI, monetary value, and profit margins using numbers.

3. A lack of faith

Buyers feel uncertain about you, your solution, or your company. In this case, buyers may have a need and want to address it, but they don’t believe that you can achieve or deliver what you say you will.<

Here are two suggestions for gaining your clients’ trust:

1) Be sincere and forthright:

To be honest, no one loves a “conventional salesman” who exaggerates the benefits of their goods or services. In a nutshell, avoid being self-centered. This portrays you as a corny salesperson who is more concerned with pushing sales than with assisting customers. Return to the fundamentals of interaction. Develop a connection with your potential customer. Inquire about your target, show an interest in their hobbies, and, most importantly, be upfront and clear about your offer.

2) Put your prospect in the spotlight:

Make an effort to strike a balance between discussing your offer and asking questions. Make it a two-way street in the discussion. You may sometimes deviate from the sales pitch and share a story about one of your customers or discuss anything else in general, such as current events in the news, market trends, and so on.

4. A lack of funds

While price concerns are the most frequent, they may also be a cover for anything else. It’s critical to get to the root of the problem.

As objections emerge, determine which category they belong to so you may react appropriately.

You may overcome the lack of funds argument by doing the following:

  1. Break the price down into smaller billing options: rather than discussing the whole cost structure, speak about it in hours or weeks.
  2. Prior to addressing the price, focus on the value you provide. Keep in mind that price tramples value.
  3. Make your offer flexible: don’t be too strict with your offer. Make the decision to sell your solution in pieces. You may find out which parts of the offer your customer doesn’t need and eliminate them.

5. Rejection of a Product

A consumer may raise an objection to a product at any time. Comments such, “This product isn’t as excellent as what your rival is providing,” or “Your product seems a bit complex,” for example. We’d like a simpler model,’ says a customer who is concerned about the product’s performance.

Prospects often don’t completely comprehend the functioning and features of complicated purchases that have an impact on a company’s operations.

You’re responsible for discussing product complaints to consumers in detail. You may act it out by doing the following:

  1. Describes the product’s characteristics, functioning, and warranty policy.
  2. Using customer testimonials to provide more information about how other customers utilize the product.
  3. If feasible, provide a thorough demonstration of the product.
  4. Using industry or third-party research to back up your assertion.

6. Inadequate Authority

Lack of authority is a common sales argument, particularly when working with well-established businesses. When it comes to buying, a prospect may imply that they don’t make the decisions.

Start by learning more about the individual who was referenced. Since you’ll be speaking with them while completing the deal, get as much information as possible. Inquire about:

  • The department in which they work
  • How can you contact them?
  • Their accessibility
  • Whether or whether they must also report to a ‘higher’ authority

You may also suggest that your target provide an outline of your product or service prior to the meeting. This will make it simpler for you to make your sales presentation. All you’ll have to do now is add to, clarify, and expand on what they already know.

Objection to the Source

Some customers may be satisfied with your goods, but they are wary of doing business with you as a salesman or the firm as a whole. This is referred to as a source objection.

Even if this doesn’t happen very frequently, as a salesman, you must be prepared for everything that comes your way.

A prospect may make remarks regarding your company’s reputation, stability, security, or length of operation. You may use source objection as a way to expand on your company’s or your own capabilities.

Provide additional information about the firm, including how long it has been in business. Discuss some of your longest clients, the reasons they choose you, and how you demonstrate devotion to your consumers. Also, discuss how you will reduce risk and offer security.

At the end of the day, your goal should be to gain the trust of your prospect.

Objection to Contentment No. 8

A prospect’s satisfaction with the existing product or service they use does not always imply that their requirements have been met. A client may protest by saying, “I’m satisfied with product XYZ” or “Thank you, but we already use XYZ.”

Neither of these comments may be taken as a firm no. When confronted with a contentment objection, the first step is to go deeper and learn why they selected the product/service they do now. Inquire about what they don’t like about it, as well as places where it falls short.

This will assist you in developing a Unique Selling Point and methods to improve the overall value of your product. To show your prospect what they’re lacking, look for the gaps left by the current offering.

To make a compelling argument, be sure you can back up your claims.

9. Objection based on the passage of time

The shortage of resources is the cause of time-related concerns. The only difference is that purchasers hide their true objection under a lack of time.

A prospect may pretend to be too busy to speak with you and may even ask you to call or visit after a specific amount of time has passed. The easiest approach to deal with this issue is to inquire as to what is keeping them busy.

This isn’t a method to refute their claim that they’re ‘busy.’ Instead, you’re attempting to figure out why they’re rejecting your offer so fast. Perhaps your prospective buyer is just underestimating the time and resources required to complete your offer.

Or, if they know how long it will take, they are unsure whether the value obtained is worthwhile.

You may say that your offer isn’t time-consuming and that the overall value of the experience will be well worth it.

10. Aggressive Refusal

As a salesman, you’ll encounter a variety of buyers. Sometimes you’ll have to deal with a pushy prospect who will politely decline your offer.

To begin with, you should recognize that some individuals are born with a harsh temperament, and there isn’t much you can do to alter that. Maintain your composure. Taking a hard stance will only make matters worse.

An aggressive prospect will also inform you about their previous experience. Most likely, your prospective customer is fed up with aggressive salesmen.

If you believe your personalities will clash even more, you may delegate the task to a coworker.

Keep in mind that not all leads turn into sales. When things don’t appear to be moving forward, terminate the discussion gently and on a positive note.

How Do You React To Sales Refusals?

Objection is part of your job description as a salesman, as we’ve previously established. However, a NO may always be turned into a YES! To overcome this stumbling block, you must understand how to react to sales objections.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the common objections you’ll encounter in your everyday operations and how to deal with them.

First objection: The price is too much for me.

As previously stated, one of the most frequent kinds of sales objections you’ll encounter is the pricing issue. Prospects may use pricing as a tactic to gently decline your offer.


‘I’m sorry, but I’m not interested in your proposal.’ The pricing is a tad high and out of my price range.’ 


‘Our offer may seem to be a little pricey at the time, but I guarantee it will pay off in the long term.’ It will have the following XYZ effects on your business. One of our customers had the same worry, but he is now very pleased with the outcomes.’ 

Don’t stop there, however. Inquire more about how much they’re willing to pay, or break down the pricing structure as follows:

‘Can you tell me how much you’re prepared to pay on our offer?’ 


‘We can provide you with X since it is what your business needs right now.’ It will be an excellent investment for your business.’ 

Second objection: I’ll get back to you.

This is a common sales argument based on a lack of urgency. A prospect may raise an objection by implying that they won’t be able to respond right away because they need to speak with their supervisor.


‘Your offer is appealing, but I’ll discuss it with my supervisor and come back to you.’ Thank you very much.’ 

Customer Service Representative: (Be smart and close any window for further uncertainty)

‘If you like, you can set up a meeting with your bosses, and I’ll be happy to discuss our offer and how it would help your company.’ What do you think about next week?’ 

Objection #3: I don’t believe your firm is a good match for us.

Most customers will not overtly express their reservations about doing business with you. It is your responsibility as a salesman to read between the lines.


‘We appreciate you taking the time to speak with us about your offer. Although it seems appealing, I don’t believe your business is a suitable match for us.’ 

Customer Service Representative: (Talk about how your offer helps you stand out from competitors)

‘I like your forthrightness.’ However, we have one of the most effective XYZ on the market. Even our customers are aware of this. We can provide you with a discounted trial term, and if you enjoy what we have to offer, we can continue doing business.’ 

Objection #4: I appreciate your offer, but I don’t need it at this time.

This is the most difficult sales obstacle to overcome. So, a prospect has said unequivocally that they do not need your goods or services, and the sales window is likely closed for good.


‘To be honest, I’m not in desperate need of what you’re providing.’ I believe I will decline. Thank you for taking the time to read this.’ 

Customer Service Representative: (Change the nature of your offer)

‘I like your forthrightness.’ But, what are your thoughts about XYZ? I think this is more familiar with the nature of your company and the needs of your customers.’ 

PS: If this doesn’t work, take a step back, find out what your customers want from your rivals, and totally alter or repackage your product.

Overcoming Objections in a Simple Way

When you’re on a sales call and an objection arises, use this easy, effective method to address it and move the transaction forward.

Listen: When a seller hears an issue, his or her initial impulse may be to address it right away. They want to get over it as soon as possible and move on to the next step.

Hidden and unspoken complaints, on the other hand, remain under the surface. Rather than replying right away, ask the customer, “What else?” Get to the bottom of what they’re truly worried about. Allow them to talk freely. As people consider the issue, allow quiet to permeate the room.

You may discover that their first complaint isn’t the actual issue after all.

Understand: Make an effort to comprehend the objection. Many complaints conceal underlying problems that the customer isn’t ready to express, as you learned in step one. The real problem is often not what the buyer first tells you.

Make an effort to get to the bottom of the objection. To clarify, ask “why” inquiries. Questions like as:

  • What makes you believe that?
  • What is the significance of this?
  • What prompted you to be concerned in the first place?

After you’ve discovered and grasped the objections and worries, respond. Discuss the most essential one first, and then try to address the problem as soon as feasible. If it’s an objection you need to investigate, inform them of the next actions you’ll take and when you’ll contact them.

Allow no objection to linger longer than necessary, and don’t ignore or dismiss any objection.

Confirm: Work to secure the buyer’s commitment to the resolution. Do not assume the customer is happy with the solutions; instead, ask them. Inquire if there are any additional issues that need to be addressed. Do not proceed until all of your issues have been addressed and confirmed.

Some objections need a method to overcome them, and there will be no quick fix. If this is the case, make another appointment to continue the conversation.

This method is so strong and successful because it addresses a common issue that most salespeople face: rushing to overcome sales obstacles. This irritates buyers and puts them on the defensive. With these four stages, sales representatives are more likely to gain the prospect’s confidence before dismissing their worries.

Preparing for Common Objections

Consider and write down the most frequent objections you encounter. Then consider the following:

  • What are your options for responding to this objection? For each scenario, what are the various answers or negotiating options?
  • Are there any actions you can take in the future to minimize this objection? Addressing objections upfront before a buyer has a chance to articulate it can help move the sale through the process more quickly.

Thinking about objections ahead of time and rehearsing how you’ll react can help you handle and overcome them more successfully.

Remember to listen, comprehend, react, and confirm the next time you encounter an objection. If you follow this procedure, you will not only be able to overcome objections, but you will also be able to close more sales.

Salespeople often get caught in situations where they have to deal with objections that sellers often find difficult to deal with. ~Sales Objections: 1. You don’t understand my business. 2. You’re overcharging me, and I will never pay that much. 3. I don’t want to try something new. 4. I don’t believe in your product. 5. I don’t trust you. 6. I don’t believe in your product. 7. I don’t know enough about that kind of work. 8. I don’t have the time. 9. I don’t know enough about your company. 10. I don’t trust you. 11. I don’t. Read more about top 5 objections and potential ways to handle and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How do you overcome common sales objections?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The best way to overcome objections is to be prepared. Know your companys sales process, know the objections that might come up, and have a response ready for each of them.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are the 5 most common objections to a sale?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The 5 most common objections to a sale are that the price is too high, the product is not worth it, the customer doesnt have enough money, they dont need it, and they dont want it.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are the five steps to overcome sales objections?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The five steps to overcome sales objections are as follows.

1) Understand the objection
2) Clarify your position
3) Find common ground
4) Offer a solution
5) Close”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you overcome common sales objections?

The best way to overcome objections is to be prepared. Know your companys sales process, know the objections that might come up, and have a response ready for each of them.

What are the 5 most common objections to a sale?

The 5 most common objections to a sale are that the price is too high, the product is not worth it, the customer doesnt have enough money, they dont need it, and they dont want it.

What are the five steps to overcome sales objections?

The five steps to overcome sales objections are as follows. 1) Understand the objection 2) Clarify your position 3) Find common ground 4) Offer a solution 5) Close

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