How to Spy on Your Competitor’s Facebook Ads?

Facebook is one of the most used social media platforms with approx. 2.2 billion daily active users. Companies use it to advertise their products demographically and reach a larger audience. Most businesses today benefit from Facebook Ads and chances are that your competitors might be using it too. You would not want to miss out … Read more

 Do I Need an LLC? Everything You Should Know About Limited Liability Companies

LLC is an acronym for a Limited Liability Company that carries a number of benefits, which is why many start-ups opt for this option. We can say that LLC brings together the best of both worlds, which means that, to business operators, it provides protection that is usually typical only for corporations, and on the … Read more

How Do Cloud Solutions Make Your Business More Sustainable? 

The race to cut carbon emissions by 2030 has prompted companies to lower electricity use and cut emissions. You may not realise it but in-house data centers use a significant amount of energy.  According to the New York Times, data centers account for 1% of all electricity consumption worldwide. That is roughly equivalent to 17 million … Read more